全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡航竞赛, 传统型
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    材料 碳纤
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 36'04" (11.09 m)
    宽度 9'09" (2.99 m)
    吃水深度 3'01" , 8'02" (0.94 m)
    帆面 635 ft²
    发动机功率 14 ch (14 hp)


这艘优雅的 "日间艇 "继承了黑胡椒游艇公司(Black Pepper Yachts)赖以成名的经典之作 "Code 0",采用了新古典主义的轮廓,在继承前辈美学准则的基础上又有所创新:她必须与众不同;她必须敢于创新,当然不能违背家族精神......这一次,明眼人都会注意到,她的船身略微变薄,船头开始倒置。改变而不改变!真正的挑战

2019 年推出的经典款式,正如我们的代码一样,她在不断演变。自 2023 年起,她还推出了 "Sundeck "版本。


她必须优雅,与 Code 0 一样优雅,但速度更快,内部空间更大,以便提供船上生活和航行的可能性......

2019 年,建筑师马克-隆巴德(Marc Lombard)受托设计这艘新船,他的任务是尊重其前身的精神,特别是其著名的狗屋屋顶和船尾拱顶的轮廓,这是经典帆船的复制品。她的整体外观保留了该品牌的关键代码,并赋予了她历史悠久的 J 级游艇那种沉稳、优雅的气质。


A worthy successor to the iconic Code 0 that made Black Pepper Yachts famous, this elegant “Dayboat”, with her neo-classical silhouette, adopts the aesthetic codes of her predecessor with a new bias: she had to be different; she had to dare a little renewal, without of course transgressing the family spirit… This time, the discerning eye will notice the slight sheer and the beginning of an inverted bow. Change without change! A real challenge…

Launched in 2019 in her classic version, she continues to evolve, as is often the case with our Codes. Since 2023, she has also been available in a “Sundeck” version.

This neoclassical-inspired day boat, built in carbon and designed for cruising and racing, not to mention her perfect seakeeping in strong winds and her habitability, reveals tremendous performance potential, thanks to her powerful rig, her very strict weight specifications, her ballast ratio, her draught and her equipment.

She had to be elegant, just as elegant as the Code 0, but go faster, and have more space inside to offer the possibility of living aboard and going on voyages…

In 2019, architect Marc Lombard was entrusted with the design of this new boat, with the mission of respecting the spirit of her predecessor, and in particular the silhouette of its famous doghouse roof and aft vault, replicas of classic sailing yachts. Her overall look, retains the key Codes of the brand and gives her that sober, racy elegance of the historic J class yachts.